For Main Road Lighting
Accomodates 3 100-200 Watt G.F. Lamps
Supplied with
Single Piece or Duo-Dome Holophane Refractors
Max-Candle Power 75o-85o from the vertical.
B.S. Spec Types 1 & 2 distribution.
No. 1102 |
The Triplite lantern gives all the advantages in Street Lighting of a :-
- Line Source - Offers the best form of source for Street Lighting.
- Spectral Colour - The Gas Filled Lamp gives a natural colour.
- Ancillary Equipment - The adoption of G.F. Lamps eliminates 'chokes' etc.
- Flexibility Of Control - The Triplite Lantern can be arranged for fractional lighting by
switching off a selected number of lamps for reduced intensity at less buys periods. This ensures evenness of
lighting whatever the reduction in intensity.
- Minimum Glare - The use of medium wattage lamps in place of one large light source minimises
the glare value by reducing the intrinsic brilliancy.
The Triplite is constructed with a substantial cast hood in non-corrosive Aluminium, fitted with a vitreous
enamelled reflector arranged to carry the three prismatic refractors. Special care has been taken with the design
to ensure strength of construction, accessibility and ease of maintenance.
These Lanterns are arranged with external lamp focussing.
Each using it suitable for 100 to 200w G.F. Lamps which covers the range of the recommendations of the MOT
final report for Group 'A' thoroughfares.
Clear Bowl Type
1101 |
Single Piece |
3-100/200 |
21½in. x 9in. |
9¾in. |
1in. or 1¼in. Gas |
18 lbs |
1102 |
Duo-Dome |
10in. |
24 lbs |
The Brighton Lighting and Electrical Engineering Co. Ltd.
Phone: Brighton 24661
Telegrams: Bleeco, Phone, Brighton
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