Erecon Ltd.
The company are erection contractors specializing in street lighting installations. They employ a number of
experienced and self-contained mobile erection units based in depots in various parts of the country,
and have been responsible for numerous installations throughout the British Isles. They are able to undertake
the complete work involved in the installation from initial excavations and installing of columns to the
fixing and wiring of lanterns, lamps and control gear. Experienced attention is given to the erection of both
Group "A" and Group "B" concrete columns, with particular care in their proper handling and to the pointing of
brackets, fixing of doors and rubbing down where necessary, to ensure complete satisfaction. Similarly
with steel columns, including red leading, caulking and painting. For existing street lighting installations
a special service is offered for maintenance. Erecon Service Section has been formed expressly
to provide a first-class maintenance service for street furniture and enquiries will be wolecomed
for reonvating, repairing and painting old steel and concrete columns. - APLE Conference Programme Llandudno 1949
APLE Conference Programme Llandudno 1949