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(F.I. 952)


The science of Illuminating Engineering naturally embraces all branches of lighting, but the two most important sections are Industrial Lighting and Street Lighting. Each of these presents its own particular problems and demands distinct treatment, and is dealt with separately in this Catalogue.

Space will permit of but a brief rehearsal of the many economic and hygienic advantages which attend the introduction of better lighting.

Industrial Lighting.
The necessity of good lighting in premises devoted to industry is becoming generally recognised. This is evident form the references to the subject in reports of the Home Office in England, and from the activities of similar authorities in other countries. In the United States, for example, codes specifying the minimum amount of illumination permissible for various operations have been adopted by certain States. That employers appreciated the value of well-planned lighting systems is proved by the large and constantly growing demand for G.E.C. scientifically designed Industrial Fittings.

Good lighting makes for increased efficiency directly by promoting greater production and also by reducing the percentate of spoiled work and indirectly by safeguarding the health and eyesight of the workers, by minimising the risk of accidents, and by creating a bright and cheerful atmosphere in the factory.

This Catalogue, in addition to giving representative designs of Industrial Fittings suited for most situations met with in modern illuminating engineering practice, contains a valuable collection of illuminating engineering data, together with simple instructions for planning Lighting schemes. Actual experience and tests with the fixtures described have formed the basis for this section. At the same time it is recognised that individual problems needing special treatmetn frequently arise, and the G.E.C. Illuminating Engineering Department is always at the disposal of customers to render advice and, if necessary, to prepare a complete Lighting Scheme.

Street Lighting.
The adequate illumination of streets and open spaces has formed the subject of prolonged scientific investigation, and after many experiments the gasfilled lamp - especially the OSRAM Gasfilled Lamp - is recognised as exceptionally suitable for this purpose. A selection of rain-proof Lanterns designed for the lighting of streets, goods-yards, etc., is given in this Catalogue, ranging from small units for suburban districts to the "Boro" and "City" Lanterns, capable of taking 500 and even 1500-watt lamps for use in main thoroughfares. The many new devices embodied in the "City" Lantern will be of interest to those requiring a high grade street lighting unit.

The General Electric Company Ltd., realise that there are occasions when distinctive designs of street lighting units are needed to meet local conditions or to harmonise with special decorative schemes. Their standard lanterns, lamp-posts and brackets will meet most requirements, but here again, where exceptional conditions occur, the G.E.C. Illuminating Engineering Department will give advice or submit designs in accordance with customers' suggestions.