Wardle > history
Founded by Walter and Arthur Wardle in the 1890s, Wardle
was one of the many new firms capitalizing on the
emergence of the fledgling electrical industry. Building the firm up from its Manchester base,
Walter and Arthur sold the firm
to Chamen and Wilkinson in 1910, but the name was retained.
With Walter Wardle leaving for Australia, Arthur moved to
Edinburgh and set up another Wardle engineering company (it isn't known if
this was a subsidiary or an independent firm).
With the
Edinburgh company closing in
the 1920s, the firm solidified its trading from its Manchester address.
Family members were involved with Wardle until the late 1930s. (M H Wardle became an honorary member of the
APLE in 1930 but he may not be related to the Wardles of this firm).
Wardle gained early promenance by designing the first commerical lantern for the
low pressure sodium lamp. The
Liverpool Lantern, a cut-off, was jointly specified and originally installed by
Liverpool Council, the first
city to widely adopt the new light source in 1933. The first installation of Philips cut-off lanterns on the
Purley Way, Croydon was replaced by Wardle Liverpools on a catenary system in 1936.
Despite early successes, Wardle never gained the success of the larger manufacturers, and
their products didn't get installed far from their Manchester base.
Wardle ceased trading in the 1980s.
(With thanks to Nigel Cooper nigelc at onetel dot com.)
Wardle Engineering (Manchester) was founded and run by two brothers,
and Arthur Wardle, probably around 1895 (following the brothers' return
around 1894 from 10 years in Pittsburgh USA), and was sold around 1910.
There was no recollection in the UK family of the existence of Wardle
Engineering (Manchester) before the early 1920s. Information about the early
(?1895-c1910) Manchester family firm came to me initially from hitherto
unknown Australian relatives, in response to my internet posting enquiring
about the company. The company catalogue (dated 7 June 1910, probably just
after the sale of the company) shows: head office at 196 Deansgate,
Manchester; works in Hargraves Street, Hulme, Manchester; and a London
Office at 35 Euston Road. The catalogue, entitled 'Streetlites Etc.',
describes the company as 'Electrical & Mechanical Engineers & Metal Workers,
Contractors to H.M. Government'. A patent was held for an anti-shock
mounting to render electric street light bulbs less prone to failure due to
vibration. Hargraves Street is not on modern maps. Hulme is between central
Manchester and Old Trafford. The firm's telegraphic address - Chamen - as
shown in the catalogue is the name of one of the new owners, and I assume
that the catalogue was made by, or for, these people. It seems odd that the
company retained the sole name Wardle after the sale - perhaps Walter and/or
Arthur retained some financial interest, or maybe the company's reputation
made it advantageous not to change the name.
The Local Studies Library at Manchester Central Library has provided the
following information: "The firm makes its first appearance in the
Manchester & Salford Directory for 1910 (compiled during 1909), when it is
listed as Wardle Engineering Co. Ltd, 41 Royal London Buildings, 196
Deansgate... The founder was a Walter Wardle, formerly of Cutler, Wardle &
Co. Ltd, electrical engineers. It is, however, interesting that that firm
seems to have vanished at about the time Wardle Engineering came into
being." This suggests that brother Arthur played a less important role in
the early company. Nothing is known about Mr Cutler. Where was Wardle
Engineering (Manchester) based before 1910? Perhaps it was at the same
location, but was simply not advertised.
It is clear that the family retained influence in the company for some years
after it was sold. Following the sale of the Manchester company, Walter went
to Australia, but Arthur then appears in Edinburgh family records. At this
point - perhaps around 1911 - Arthur started another Wardle Engineering
company in Edinburgh, although I do not know its exact name. There is no
documentary evidence of this company - we have only family memories. Wardle
(Edinburgh) will either have been started by Arthur with capital from the
sale of his share of the Manchester operation, or set up by the new owners
of Wardle (Manchester) with Arthur as manager. According to marriage
registrations, there were various family members working as electrical
engineers and lathe operators in Edinburgh from around 1912.
The Edinburgh incarnation of Wardle Engineering was based in premises rented
from Bruce Peebles. [Information from a relative who was an apprentice at
Bruce Peebles in the 1930s.] This company manufactured large electrical
transformers etc. at their works in Pilton Drive South/Ferry Road, North
Edinburgh (a short walk from family addresses at the time). Wardle
(Edinburgh) was a relatively short-lived operation that closed down in the
early 1920s - it seems that Arthur was a less successful businessman than
his brother Walter. The closure of the Edinburgh operation explains a family
migration back to Lancashire for employment with Wardle (Manchester) in the
early 1920s. Close links had evidently been maintained with the Manchester
company from Edinburgh, even though the family had not owned it since 1910.
My grandfather, Charles Cooper, was the husband of Edith Wardle, a daughter
of John Wardle who was the eldest brother of Walter and Arthur. Both Charles
and Edith had worked for Wardle in Edinburgh, and possibly met there.
According to their 1918 marriage record, Charles was an electrical wireman,
and Edith an electrical insulator - a delightful combination. Witnesses were
Alfred Wardle (older stepbrother of Edith), metal spinner (i.e. lathe
operator, no doubt with the same company), and Isabella Romanes (box maker).
(Alfred was returning the compliment - Edith had witnessed his marriage in
Edinburgh in 1913. Alfred was then already a metal spinner. Alfred's other
witness had been Arthur Wardle, but no occupation is shown for witnesses in
this record.)
Charles Cooper transferred to Wardle Engineering (Manchester) in the 1920s.
His first job was on the 'factory floor', and he was later proud of having
worked his way up to factory manager. He continued to work for the company
in Manchester during the 1920s until his death in the late 1930s. According
to family sources, he invented a form of electric light fitting known as the
'polygon' or 'polyglon'.
Charles's son, my late father Alfred Cooper, also served part of his
apprenticeship with Wardle Engineering in Manchester from May 1935, where he
was known, unsurprisingly, as the 'currant [current?] bun' (rhyming slang
for 'son'). His reference (February 1938) shows the company on a different
site: Wardle Engineering, Export Engineers, Elsinore Road, Old Trafford,
Manchester (telegraphic address 'Eldrawenco', which is Wardle backwards). A
second branch of the company is now shown at Secunderabad, India.
There are few internet references to the company. The Indian branch had
its own 2 ft gauge railway line (undated, ?1930s) [
http://irfca.org/faq/misc/industrial/location.html ]. Wardle (Manchester)
supplied heating components for the SS Canberra (late 1950s; the company
must have diversified into heating) [ www.sscanberra.com/appb3.htm ].
As for the later history of the company: "Wardle Engineering seems to have
moved (from Old Trafford) to Swinton [NW Manchester] between 1965 and 1967.
It is listed at Swinton in the 1968 phone book but does not appear in the
1970 edition" [Manchester Local Studies Library]. It is thought that Wardle
Engineering eventually became part of the English Electric group [family
source]. A Wardle Engineering Company was dissolved on 15 June 1989, reg.
00102714; this could be anywhere in the country as there is no address, but
it is probably the same company [Manchester Commercial Library]. This begs
the question of where the company was after the last known directory listing
in 1968.
Walter Wardle moved to Australia around 1910, shortly after the sale of the
company. His wife and their three sons - Harry, Walter (Wally) and Arthur
Oliver - moved to Australia a few months later; they had remained in
Manchester for a while, and the two older sons had continued to work for
Wardle briefly under its new management. The letter of introduction for
Harry has been preserved:
From: Wardle Engineering, 196 Deansgate, Manchester, 27 July 1910
C H K Chamen AMIEE & H T Wilkinson AMIEE
To: J W Bragg Esq., Messrs Gibson Battle & Co, Ltd., 7 Pitt Street, Sydney,
NSW, Australia
Dear Mr Bragg,
The bearer of this is one of the sons of Mr Wardle whose
works we bought... we are writing to you in case you may be able to give him
some advice as to obtaining employment. He has been employed by our firm
upon installation work and latterly on drawing office work… H T Wilkinson"
[This is the source for the names of the new owners of Wardle Manchester.]
Walter's other two sons, Walter (Wally) and Arthur, were later to start yet
another Wardle Engineering Company in Sydney. Their business card (date
unknown) shows:
"W & A Wardle, Electrical & Mechanical Engineers, Cambridge Street,
Willoughby [Sydney] - Licensed Contractor to NSW Government".
Nigel Cooper nigelc at onetel dot com