ilp archive : journals
public lighting no. 10 vol. 3
June 1938
- Editorial p31
- The President Said So!
- Mr. C. I. Winstone stated at the Folkestone Conference in 1937
that "There are people driving vehicles today who have eyes which cannot
see properly in such degress of illumination as are provided under Classes 'C',
'D', 'E' and 'F' although they can see perfectly well in normal daylight. Every driver
of a vehicle should be compelled to pass what one may describe as a night seeing
test." The press were divided: some doubted the truth whilst others
thought it was true. In October 1937, the result of experiments conducted by the
Medical Research Council proved that a deficiency of vitamin 'A' produced a degree
of night blindness whereby poorly lit objects could not be seen. In May 1937,
a case was reported in which a motorist was prohibited from driving in the dark
and would have to pass night driving tests before allowed to drive at night.
- A Knotty Problem p31
- To protect pedestrians, local authorities have erected posts or bollards
on island refuges which are illuminated by night. By doing so, authorities have
rendered themselves liable to financial costs if the light goes out during the night
and an accident is caused by a passing vehicle. This has occurred in the case of
Polkinghorn vs. the Lambeth Metropolitan Borough Council who have been fined - the
Court Of Appeal deciding that the borough council having erected the refuge and
bollards were under a continuing duty to keep the latter adequately lighted.
Lord Justice Slesser said: "it mattered not that it was impossible to explain how
the light had come to fail. The obligation to keep the post lighted was a
continuing one." Local authorities were faced with either facing the risk or
removing the bollards.
- A Case For Uniformity p31
- The lighting of roundabouts has progressed - not only are central islands surrounded
by posts, white lines and whitened kerbs, but floodlights and reflectors have also
been installed to an almost overwhelming profusion. Added to this the placing of
signposts and "Keep Left" illuminated bollards. There does seem to be a strong case
for some centralising and control in uniformity of design of layout.
- Birmingham p32
- Comment about current and historical information about Birmingham's
street lighting as reproduced in the Corporation's Handbook of 1938.
- N.I.C. Report p32
- The Report for 1937 of the National Illumination Committee of Great Britain
draws attention to the valubale work which the A.P.L.E. has a close concern. It is
this National Committee which makes the British preparations for the meetings of
the International Commission of Illumination; and it carries the decisions of the
Commission into effect in this Country through the Sub-Committees. There has been
preparation of a new "Street Lighting Specification, with special reference to
the recently published final report of the Departmental COmmittee on Street Lighting."
This Sub-Committee and others prepare British Standard Specifications as Technical
Committees of the British Standards Association.
- Examination Scheme p32
- A Conference, called by the National Illuminatin Committee, considered education
in January. It was attended by about thirty individuals, representing all sixteen
academic, administrative and industrial bodies and as a result the City And Guilds
of London Institute has appointed an Advistory Committee to consider the question
of whether examinations should be offered through the Institute in the subject of
Illuminating Engineering. The National Committee was invited to appoint a representative
and nominated Professor J. T. MacGregor-Morris. A syllabus has now been prepared
and examinations will commence in two or three years' time.
- No Can Do! p33
- Evidence is accumulating that county authorities are not only indisposed to
act on powers contained in section 23 or the Road Traffic Act 1934, but are flatly
refusing to incur an expense in this direction. With the increasing obligations
which Parliament continues to place on local bodies, it is small wonder that they jib
at expenditure on road lighting to the generous standard laid down in the MOT Report.
The cost involved in raising the lighting to this standard is £400 - £500 per mile.
So long as the attitude of the Government towards the lighting of non-truck roads
is a negative one, so lighting committees will decline to respond to the invitation
of the MOT.
- This Cut-Throat Business p33
- For some time there has been concern at the inordinate lengths to which
the respective claims of gas and electricity have gone to "get the business" from
public lighting authorities. Sometimes quotes had been made which are wholly
uneconomical and financially unsound. Obviously this pratice of undercutting
one another has its repercussion on the balance sheet and severely limits, if not
postpone indefinitely, the natural expansion of the business and improvements in
design and progress in research. Surely such a lamantable state of affairs should not
be allowed to go on any further.
- A Screen Of Light p33
- In a recent case of a fatal accident to a pedestrian in Doncaster, it was
urged on behalf of the motorist that the glass studs at the Belisha crossing threw
back a screen of light which made it difficult to see anything on the road.
In defence of this client, the eminent K.C. asserted that the amount of lighting
provided on the road to assist the public was almost startling. Some places, he said,
were littered up with signs which obscured everything else. The charge of careless
driving against the motorist was dismissed.
- Beautiful Lamp Posts p34
- Sir Cyril Hurcomb, chairman of the Electricity Commission, speaking at a conference
of street lighting, urged the importance of securing a good design, for the posts
from which lamps would be suspended. The new wide roads afforded particular scope for
the united efforts of the designer and the manufacturer. The services of the Royal
Fine Art Commissions had been freely placed at the disposal of Government Departments
and of local authorities in advising upon the aesthetics of bridges and other
engineering structures.
- Decorative Street Lighting For Edinburgh p34
- Details and a picture of a new decoratative lighting scheme in the city.
- Street Lighting In Southport By Electricity p34
- Details and a picture of improvements in Southport.
- New Bridge Will Have Many Coat Of Arms On Lamp Standards p34
- Proposals for the new lighting on Chelsea Bridge, London.
- Lighting: Education, Lighting: Funding, Lighting: Health, Lighting: Installations,
Lighting: Legal, Lighting: Specifications,
Lighting: Theory, Statistics: Road Data
- Planned Street Lighting: The Lighting Of Rochester Road, Gravesend p35
- Detailed description of the lighting of Rochester Road.
- Lighting: Installations, Lighting: Luminaries
- Minimising Risk Of Failure In Street Lamps p36
- Sheffield Corporation Lighting DEpartmetn has reduced the possibility of lighting
failures by installing plant to test every electric light bulb. In 1937, 32,691 lamps
were tested and 1,641 were rejected. Mr. J. F. Colquhoun, the lighting engineer,
stated that testing of lamps was only one way to secure 100% efficiency in street lighting.
Another test, made on occassional lamps, was to see if they retained their light
efficiency throughout "life", and a check wa skept on all lamps to ascertain the length
of "life". Statistics showed that 100W and 150W lamps had an average "life" of 907
burning hours. Bigger lamps, between 300W and 1000W, had 1,474 burning hours of
- Lighting: Lamps
- Road And Bridge Lighting In Johannesburg p36
- Seventy decorative type lanterns, equipped with Osira lamps,
have been installed in Eloff Street, fixed to tramway standards. In one part of the
street, the standards are placed down the centre of the road. Two fittings are
fitted to each pole, mounted at 23', and spaced about 80' apart. In other parts of
the thoroughfare, the fittings are placed in staggered formation, being mounted at
24'. These are from 120'-130' apart on the diagonal. The lighting of a bridge has
also been effectively carried out with Osram 300W tungsten filament
lamps. These are contained in ornamental lanterns fixed on pillars of the embankment
wall and in totally enclosed dustproof Wembley lanterns suspended from
standards at the kerbside.
- Lighting: Installations
- Correspondence p36
- C. H. Dobell points out the problems with centralised control
systems and the clause in the MOT Final Report that states: "that the best times of lighting
up and extinguishing in any particular area depend to some extent on the latitude and
longitude and on such circumstances as the clarity of the atmosphere and the presence
or otherwise of high buildings, and must be decided in the light of these factors."
The two appear to be at odds with each other.
- Lighting: Control
- Gas Improvements In Paddington p37
- Details of gas lighting improvements made in Paddington.
- Lighting: Installations
- He Still Has Faith In Gas p37
- Mr. Harold C. Smith, M.Inst.G.E. in his Presidential Address before the
Institution of Gas Engineers on 31st May stated: "My company has never lost its faith
in gas as the finest medium for lighting public lamps and has always endeavoured on
assuming control of a new aread to improve street lighting by offering additional
service to the local authority concerned. These efforts have been marked by considerable
- Lighting: Installations
- Gas Lighting - Denton p38
- Picture of the new gas lighting at Denton.
- Lighting: Installations
- Gas Lighting - North Circular Road p38
- Picture of the new gas lighting along the North Circular Road.
- Lighting: Installations
- Gas Improvements At Galston And Armadale p38
- Details of new gas lighting at Galston and Armadale.
- Lighting: Installations
- A Useful Lighting Information Service p38
- H. L. Juliusburger, Consulting Engineer of Lighting, has published
General Lighting Information Service No. 5 which is full of interesting
and valuable data.
- Lighting: Publications
- Revision Of B.S. Specification p38
- For vitreous-enamelled steel reflectors for electric light (open dispersive type) B.S. No. 232-1938.
The efficiency of reflectors from 100 - 1,500W has been increased from 60-70%.
A method for the determination of the distribution of light has been included and well as a number
of minor modifications.
- Lighting: Publications, Lighting: Specifications
- Lighting At The Empire Exhibition, Glasgow p39
- Description of the lighting of the Exhibition, grounds and Tait's Tower. There
is also a description of the upgraded street lighting around the roads near the
- Lighting: Floodlighting, Lighting: Installations
- Street Lighting Models p40
- The vast possibilities of a system for centralised control of street lighting
and air raid signals, developed by the GEC, were demonstrated by a
model at the I.M.E.A. Convention at Torquay. The system employs carrier currents
of musicial frequencies superimposed upon the supply network conductors. Pilot wires
are not required. A variable speed motor-alternator set at the substation provides
the range of frequencies from which one can be selected to operate various tuned
relays installed at the controlled points. (These frequencies range from 200 to
800 cycles per second and are chosen to avoid the harmonics and resonant frequencies
of the power network.) Usually six to eight frequencies can be catered for without
difficulty. In light of ARP schemes, and in addition to the advantage of controlling
street lights, buzzers can be installed in all houses of air raid wardens and operated
from the control point. It would be possible to apply the system to the control of
water heaters throughout the supply area if any project should be entertained involving
the provision of cheaper current subject to the power for this service being cut
off during peak periods. The demonstration model consists of a primary substation feeding
a secondary substation, both situated on roads illuminated by street standards.
At the primary substation is fitted a small control panel, at which street lights can
be switched on or off, either completely or in groups. The model also includes a buzzer
as a warning signal in the house of an air raid warden.
- Lighting: Control
- Alexander Forbes, Presentations Upon His Retirement p40
- Details of presentations made to Alexander Forbes, manager of the
Lighting Department, Aberdeen, and former past president of the APLE.
- Lighting: Personnel
- The Fifteenth Annual Conference Bournemouth 1938 p45
- Details of the forthcoming annual conference of the Public Lighting Engineers. Includes a timetable of events,
description of papers, details of the gas and electric concerns and
general information about the conference and hotels.
- APLE: Conference
- Artistic Lamp Standards In Dublin p48
- Details of new lighting to be installed along the main streets of Dublin.
- Lighting: Installations
- New Lighting At Hornsey p48
- Picture and brief description of one of the largest contracts for sodium lighting
placed in the country.
- Lighting: Installations
- Radiovisor Dusk-to-Dawn Street Lighting Unit p48
- A special exhibit was shown at the I.M.E.A. Exibition in Torquay of the Radiovisor Lighting Unit
for the control of the illumination of traffic islands and bollards. This unit is designed to brign on, or leave on, the lighting
should any component become damaged. The Radiovisor Smoke Indicator And Recorder for boiler plants
and the Radiovisor Smoke Alarm were also exhibited.
- Lighting: Control
- New Road Lighting On The North-East Coast p48
- Picture and brief description of new lighting installed in Whitburn.
- Lighting: Installations
- Lighting Trunk Roads - A National Liability? p49
- A suggestion that the lighting of main roads should become a national responsibility in an effort to reduce the number of
road accidents at night was made at a street lighting conference in Glasgow, held by the Scottish Area committee of the
EDA. Mr. E. C. L. Lennox in his chair as chairman said that highways had not kept pace
with the increase in traffic. It seemed resonable to suggest that either speeds at night should be considerably reduced by law,
or legislation introduced for hte provision of adequate and properly installed street lighting. In one instance, on a two-mile
stretch of highway, the night accident rate had been reduced by 40%. Why should not the responsibility of these roadways be a
national responsibility?
- Lighting: Authority Organisation, Lighting: Funding
- New Gas Lighting Scheme On Northern Main Road p49
- Details of new gas lighting in Davyhulme.
- Lighting: Installations
- Nuneaton p49
- Details of criticisms of the new sodium street lighting in Nuneaton.
- Lighting: Installations
- Electric Street Lighting p50
- Details of the booklet Electric Street Lighting by the EDA.
- Lighting: Publications
- Report On Road Accidents p50
- The Report On Road Accidents revealed that there are more fatal accidents in winter than
in summer and the ratio of fatal accidents is considerably higher in winter, notwithstanding a lower overall
traffic density. The highest proportion of fatal accidents occurs between 10 and 11PM. Whilst more accidents
occur in summer than in winter, a winter accident is more likely to have fatal consequences..
- Lighting: Publications
- Street Lighting And ARP p50
- A recent Home Office circular dealing with lighting indicates that whilst all ordinary external lighting
will be prohibited in the event of hostilities, exceptions will be made in certain cases.
- Lighting: Publications
- Street Lighting With Electric Discharge Lamps On D.C. Supplies p51
- Details of new installations in Southwark.
- Lighting: Installations
- Street Lighting Notes p52
- Brief description of the installations at Banstead, Bolton, Cirencester,
Colchester, Coleraine, Dunster, East Dean, Fife, Finchley, Folkestone, Girvan, Hawick, Morecambe and Heysham,
Ramsgate, St. Pancreas, Sunderland, Wellington, Whitburn and Worcester.
- Lighting: Installations
- Adverts:
Gowshall Ltd.,
Radiovisor Parent Ltd.,
William Sugg And Co., Ltd.,
Walter Slingsby and Co., Ltd.,
Siemens Electric Lamps And Supplies Ltd.,
The British Thomson-Houston Co. Ltd.,
British Commercial Gas Association,
British Sangamo Company Ltd.,
C. H. Kempton And Co. Ltd.,
The Horstmann Gear Co., Ltd.,
Johnston Brothers (Contractors) Ltd.,
Bromford Tube Co. Ltd.,
W Parkinson And Co.,
Metropolitan Vickers Electrical Co. Ltd,
British, Foreign And Colonial Automatic Light Controlling Co., Ltd.,
Gas Meter Company,
Foster And Pullen Ltd.,
REVO Electric Co., Ltd.,
Concrete Utilities Co., Ltd.,
James Keith And Blackman Co., Ltd. and
The General Electric Co., Ltd.