ilp archive : journals
public lighting no. 106 vol. 24
September 1959
Foreword p135
Apologies for the late Journal last month (again).
Mounting Heights p135
Much was seen and heard at the Conference concerning the increase in mounting heights.
Interim Report p135
The Consultative Committe on the Lighting of Traffic Routes within the London Conurbation
has issued an Interim Report.
Ideas p135
New device for the removal of broken street lamps.
Retirement p135
Retirement of Adlerman F. Aspinall.
AGM p136
Details of the AGM held at the Aberdeen Conference.
International Commission on Illumination p137
Report from the Brussels Congress held in June. Details international co-operation and
the CIE.
New Premises for GEC Head Office in Ireland p138
Change of address for the GEC.
Tunnel and Underpass Lighting Problems by H. R. Ruff, B.Sc.(Eng.), M.I.E.E., F.I.E.S. and G. K. Lambert, B.Sc.(Eng.), A.C.G.I., D.I.C., A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E. p139
Paper given to the Scottish Section. Includes discussion.
Helping to make London a More Attractive Place at Night p143
The floodlighting of St. Martin-In-The-Fields.
Consultative Committe on the Lighting of Traffic Routes within the London Conurbation Constitution p144
The full Intermin Report.
Edinburgh Festival Lighting p149
Report from the Festival.
1959 Convention of the South African Committee on Illumination p82
Report from the Convention.
Form and Function in Public Lighting by R. S. Yates, Dip.M.I.E.S. p150
Paper given to the South African Committee.
A.E.I. Introduce New Lamp and Street Lighting Equipment to go with it p153
The new 200W sodium linear lamp (SLI/H) and the A.E.I. Amberline lantern.
The Application of the 200 watt linear Sodium Lamp for Public Lighting p154
Trial installation in Coventry by Siemens Edison Swan using Oline lanterns.
New Street Lighting for Sevenoaks U.D.C. p158
Details of the new fluorescent installations by the GEC.
Electric Lighting Fittings p158
British Lighting Council Photographic Index.
Device for Removal of Broken Street Lamps p159
Details of the new device.
Intricate Lighting helps to keep Hong Kong's New Airport Operational 24 Hours A Day p159
Details of new GEC installation.
AEI Receive Large Street Lighting Order p159
Kempston U.D.C. have ordered Leader columns with two-foot fluorescent lanterns.
Lamp Lighting, Street Furniture p160
Paper given to the British Lighting Council.
"Move-On" p165
A unique and novel form of adjustable staging; mobile and self-propelling.
The Gas Council - New Appointments p165
New appointments at The Gas Council.
The Illuminating Engineering Society p166
Recent meetings of the IES and a list of forthcoming papers.