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public lighting no. 113 vol. 26
June 1961

Foreword p87
The I.E.S. Code. p87
Recommendations for Good Interior Lighting, 1961

Conference p87
Will be held in Scarborough in October.

Conference Programme p87
Some minor adjustments have been made.

Papers p87
A theme will be given to the papers covering Colour, Efficiency, Aesthetics and Economics.

Open Forum p88
Will take place on the Wednesday.

Exhibition and Outdoor Displays p88
List of exhibitiors for both displays.

Public Lighting by Regional Lighting Authorities by James H. Morrison p89
Paper given to the public Works and Municipal Services Congress. Includes discussion.

City of Sheffield p100
All night street lighting.

Research - Waverley Gold Medal Essay Competition p100
Details of the prizes for the competition.

Prince Philips Receives Honorary F.I.E.S. p101
Details of the ceremony.

I.E.S. Introduce New Lighting Code p101
For industrial, commercial and domestic applications.

The Electric Light Fittings Association Annual Report for 1960 p102
Details of the Association's activities.

New President of E.L.F.A. p102
Mr. T. S. Jones of Crompton Parkinson has been elected.

New Windsor Street Lighting p103
New Atlas Alpha Three installation.

New Lighting for Morecambe Promenade p103
AEI Lamp and Lighting relight the promenande with Kington lanterns.

Seeboard One-Day Meeting on Street Lighting p104
Report from meeting held at Bexhill.

Magnet House, Kingsway p104
To be demolished and site re-developed.

Electric Light Fittings Association p105
Have issued "Quality Specification for Industrial Fluorescent Fittings."

New GEC Cut-off Lantern p105
Cut-off fitting for Birmingham.

Section Activities p106
Reports from the Scottish Section, Midland Section and Lancashire and Yorkshire Section.

Policy into Practice by K. J. Goddard p112
Lighting of the city of Leeds.

Section Activities p117
Report from the South Western Section.

Public Lighting and Public Relations by A. J. Cockram p117
Paper presented to the South Western Section.

Gothic Design Lighting for Glasgow Church p120
AEI Vesper lanterns have been installed.

British Lighting Council and Electric Lamp Industry Council p120
Retirement of Director, and appointments of directors.

Mercury Lamp Price Changes p121
New prices from Philips.

Presentation to Mr. W. A. Villiers on Retirement p122
Presentation at the GEC.

Windsor Improvement Scheme p122
Lighting of Guildhall by Philips.

High Tower Floodlighting for Kincardine Generating Station p122
New AEI floodlighting.

200-Watt Sodium Linear Lighting from Cardiff to Newport p122
AEI install Amberline lanterns.

Aluminium Lighting Columns p123
Paper from Metal Developments.

Obituaries p124
Obituaries of Mr. Marshall Dale Stonehouse, M.B.E., M.I.E.E., Mr. J. W. Ryde., F.Inst.P, F.R.S. and Mr. A. J. Cockram