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public lighting no. 114 vol. 26
September 1961

Foreword p151
The New President p151
Brief biography of the new President.

Progress p151
APLE now officially now recognised by the Ministry of Health

I.E.S. Technical Report No. 2 p151
Details of the new technical report.

New Street Lighting Installations p152
New GEC fluorescent installation.

G.E.C. Lighting Installed in New Underpass p153
Western Avenue underpass lit by the GEC.

Road Accidents Still Rising p153
Accident statistics from RoSPA.

Presdential Address by Sir John Pickles, B.Sc., M.I.E.E. p154
Speech from the British Electrical Power Convention in Eastbourne.

Move-On Self-Propelled Staging Model C p157
Latest addition to the fleet.

Road Safety Measures p158
Information about Adastra steel columns.

Calcutta Park and Memorial Lit by G.E.C. p158
GEC floodlights in Inida.

AEI Lighting Used for Factory in "Little Canada" p159
Orson and Oline lanterns installed on timber columns.

Efficient Street Lighting for Pedestrian Ways p159
Holophane Muralux wall mounted lanterns have been installed.

National Illumination Cmmittee of Great Britain p160
Report for the year 1960.

A Reminder to Association Members p162
Subscriptions and new change of address.

Sodium Lamp Disposal Unit p162
New device for safely disposing of sodium lamps.

Pedestrian Crossing Experiment p163
Description of a new type of crossing.

Sections - Coming Meetings p163
Reports from the Lancashire & Yorkshire, Midland and Scottish Sections.

Encouragement of more Expenditure on Street Lighting by E. C> Cooper p164
Paper relating expenditure to accident statistics.

Some British Lighting Developments by J. T. Grundy p168
Progress in light sources, sealed beam car headlights, fluorescent tubular lamps, xenon arc lamps, mercury and sodium discharge lamps, discharge lamp control gear, design of lighting fittings, illuminating engineering, gare, home lighting, lighting for the oil industry, ship lighting, industrial lighting, public buildings, schools, hospital, civic buildings, lighting for display, exterior lighting, floodlighting, streetlighting, aerodrome and airport lighting, ancilliary equipment and conclusion.

Report of 1961 Conference Proceedings p186
Will be in the next issue.

Obituary p186
Obituary of Mr. H. E. Etchells