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public lighting no. 80 vol. 19
June 1954

Editorial p371
Conference Papers p371
Forthcoming papers including "Research on Two Aspects of Street Lighting: Accident Statistics and Road Surface Characterists" from the Road Research Laboratory and how modern road surfaces are lessening the reflection characteristics.

Public Works Congress p371
Details of the forthcoming Congress.

Mr. A. S. Tapsfield p371
Has been made an honorary member.

Annual Subscriptions p371
Could members pay completely?

Annaul Conference - Eastbourne p372
Arrangements, forthcoming papers and list of manufacturers.

Small-Bulb Filament Lamps by J. G. Holmes, A.R.C.S., B.Sc., F.Inst.P., F.I.E.S. p373
Article on the smaller sized GLS lamps which are going to be introduced.

Midland Section p375
Report of the first meeting held in March.

Street Lighting - Ways and Means by J. M. Waldram, B.Sc., A.C.G.I., F.Inst.P., F.I.E.S. p377
A paper given to the Norwegian Lighting Development Society.

Street Lighting and Road Safety p381
Statistics from the British Electrical Development Association.

A Matter of Life or Death p381
A booklet issued by the British Electrical Development Association.

Announcement p384
The Electrical Division of Measurement Ltd. was transfered to parent company Parkinson & Cowan. On the same date, Aspec (London) Limited was liquidated and the electrical division was merged into Parkinson & Cowan.

Aberdeen Relights its Main Shopping Streets p385
Cold-cathode GEC lighting has been installed.

Tubular Steel Street Lighting Columns by Charles Winning p387
Reproduction of a paper given to the Lancashire and Yorkshire Section. From Stewards & LLoyds.

Street Lighting Today by J. Elliot Smith, Grad.I.E.E., E.L.M.A. p393
Summary of the current state of street lighting including the new bulb sizes.

The British Thomson-Houston CO. Ltd. Sodium Foglighting For Road Junctions p395
New unit for use in fog.

Chairman of E.L.M.A. p395
Details of the Council meeting held in June.