ilp archive : journals
public lighting no. 80 vol. 19
June 1954
- Editorial p371
- Conference Papers p371
- Forthcoming papers including "Research on Two Aspects of Street Lighting: Accident Statistics and Road Surface Characterists" from
the Road Research Laboratory and how modern road surfaces are lessening the reflection characteristics.
- Public Works Congress p371
- Details of the forthcoming Congress.
- Mr. A. S. Tapsfield p371
- Has been made an honorary member.
- Annual Subscriptions p371
- Could members pay completely?
- Annaul Conference - Eastbourne p372
- Arrangements, forthcoming papers and list of manufacturers.
- Small-Bulb Filament Lamps by J. G. Holmes, A.R.C.S., B.Sc., F.Inst.P., F.I.E.S. p373
- Article on the smaller sized GLS lamps which are going to be introduced.
- Midland Section p375
- Report of the first meeting held in March.
- Street Lighting - Ways and Means by J. M. Waldram, B.Sc., A.C.G.I., F.Inst.P., F.I.E.S. p377
- A paper given to the Norwegian Lighting Development Society.
- Street Lighting and Road Safety p381
- Statistics from the British Electrical Development Association.
- A Matter of Life or Death p381
- A booklet issued by the British Electrical Development Association.
- Announcement p384
- The Electrical Division of Measurement Ltd. was transfered to parent company Parkinson & Cowan.
On the same date, Aspec (London) Limited was liquidated and the electrical division was merged into
Parkinson & Cowan.
- Aberdeen Relights its Main Shopping Streets p385
- Cold-cathode GEC lighting has been installed.
- Tubular Steel Street Lighting Columns by Charles Winning p387
- Reproduction of a paper given to the Lancashire and Yorkshire Section. From Stewards & LLoyds.
- Street Lighting Today by J. Elliot Smith, Grad.I.E.E., E.L.M.A. p393
- Summary of the current state of street lighting including the new bulb sizes.
- The British Thomson-Houston CO. Ltd. Sodium Foglighting For Road Junctions p395
- New unit for use in fog.
- Chairman of E.L.M.A. p395
- Details of the Council meeting held in June.