ilp archive : journals
public lighting no. 85 vol. 20
June 1955
- Editorial p659
- Annual Conference p659
- Preparations are well advanced for the Conference.
- Public Lighting - Administration p659
- The proposed Road Traffic Bill and Lighting Administration in the House Lord.
- Annual Conference at Folkestone p660
- Conference arrangemnets and list of exhibitors.
- Conference Programme p661
- Conference Programme and list of papers.
- Something New in Sodium Lamps by T. Holmes, M.Sc., Ph.D. p662
- Use of new gases and glass to improve lamp performance.
- Holophane "Side-Of-House" Lantern p664
- New lantern developed by Holophane.
- Section Meetings p665
- Update from the Midland Section.
- The Lighting of Traffic Routes in the Midlands by E. H. Walker, A.M.I.E.E. p665
- Paper given to the Midlands Section.
- Scottish Section AGM and Spring Meeting p670
- Report from the Scottish Section.
- Inaugural Meeting of the South-Western Section p672
- Report from the South-Western Section. Held on the 26th April 1955.
- Street Lighting at Thornaby p673
- Siemens Bracknell lanterns have been installed.
- Requirements for Street Lighting in the Vicinity of Aerodromes by H. M. Fergusson, A.M.I.E.E. p674
- Paper produced by the GEC. Introduces the term "Aeroscreened".
- Blackpool's Special Illumination Display for H. M. The Queen p678
- Special lighting for the Queen's visit to Blackpool.
- Hydraulic Platform p679
- Review of the Simon Hydraulic Platform which was demonstrated at the Royal Festival Hall on the 28th April 1955.
- Electric Light Fittings Association p679
- Report from the Annual Luncheon.
- Proposed Lighting Schemes p680
- List of new lighting schemes around the UK.
- Competition p680
- Ten Guineas for papers to The Contractors Record and Municipal Engineering.
- Street Lighting p680
- Please state your views about the Road Traffic Bill.
- Reduced Cost of Fluorescent Lighting Equipment p681
- Reduced costs from Crompton Parkinson Ltd.
- Chairman of the E.L.M.A. p681
- Re-election of the chairman.
- The Illuminating Engineering Society p681
- Report from the AGM listing the new President and positions.
- South Eastern Electricity Board's New Chief Commerical Officer p681
- New position filled.
- Holophane Ltd. - Board Appointments p681
- New positions filled.
- Obituary p681
- Death of Mr. Geoffrey F. Falk, T.D., M.I.E.E.