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ilp archive : journals

public lighting no. 85 vol. 20
June 1955

Editorial p659
Annual Conference p659
Preparations are well advanced for the Conference.

Public Lighting - Administration p659
The proposed Road Traffic Bill and Lighting Administration in the House Lord.

Annual Conference at Folkestone p660
Conference arrangemnets and list of exhibitors.

Conference Programme p661
Conference Programme and list of papers.

Something New in Sodium Lamps by T. Holmes, M.Sc., Ph.D. p662
Use of new gases and glass to improve lamp performance.

Holophane "Side-Of-House" Lantern p664
New lantern developed by Holophane.

Section Meetings p665
Update from the Midland Section.

The Lighting of Traffic Routes in the Midlands by E. H. Walker, A.M.I.E.E. p665
Paper given to the Midlands Section.

Scottish Section AGM and Spring Meeting p670
Report from the Scottish Section.

Inaugural Meeting of the South-Western Section p672
Report from the South-Western Section. Held on the 26th April 1955.

Street Lighting at Thornaby p673
Siemens Bracknell lanterns have been installed.

Requirements for Street Lighting in the Vicinity of Aerodromes by H. M. Fergusson, A.M.I.E.E. p674
Paper produced by the GEC. Introduces the term "Aeroscreened".

Blackpool's Special Illumination Display for H. M. The Queen p678
Special lighting for the Queen's visit to Blackpool.

Hydraulic Platform p679
Review of the Simon Hydraulic Platform which was demonstrated at the Royal Festival Hall on the 28th April 1955.

Electric Light Fittings Association p679
Report from the Annual Luncheon.

Proposed Lighting Schemes p680
List of new lighting schemes around the UK.

Competition p680
Ten Guineas for papers to The Contractors Record and Municipal Engineering.

Street Lighting p680
Please state your views about the Road Traffic Bill.

Reduced Cost of Fluorescent Lighting Equipment p681
Reduced costs from Crompton Parkinson Ltd.

Chairman of the E.L.M.A. p681
Re-election of the chairman.

The Illuminating Engineering Society p681
Report from the AGM listing the new President and positions.

South Eastern Electricity Board's New Chief Commerical Officer p681
New position filled.

Holophane Ltd. - Board Appointments p681
New positions filled.

Obituary p681
Death of Mr. Geoffrey F. Falk, T.D., M.I.E.E.