cane hill | goodbye cane hill

The next ward was Faraday, one of the pavilion blocks I most wanted to photograph. Its original function is unknown; whatever it was, it was unique for female patients as no analogue appeared on the male side. It was Faradary where the course, bilateral symmetry of Cane Hill was broken and male and female sides continued with different topologies.

The ward was a bloated version of the skinny acute Donne/Dickens. The rows of single rooms were replaced by huge day rooms, extended further by extra bay windows and skylights.

I hoped to find clues in its structure, or rather to fully document the ward’s internal layout. However, Squibb’s demolition teams had beaten me to it, smashing out the first floor leaving a pile of twisted metal, splintered wood and a thorough scattering of rusty upturned nails over the ground floor. I attempted to navigate this treacherous new landscape but I was worried about puncturing my foot (despite my heavy boots).

I had to give up on Faraday and return back to the main corridor. No-one else ventured in; it was just too wrecked.

Gutted ground and first floor of Female Ward F. (Z8:G.06:SW) © Simon Cornwell 2008