rauceby | open house

The asbestos removal teams had gone, the sheeting they’d put up was now ripped and tattered.

For some reason, we left. Probably for the same old reason as before – someone heard something. And given the car parked in the engineering courtyard, it was probably a good call. We didn’t know how many other people were in the building.

We emerged into the sunlight and continued around the buildings, hoping that perhaps the car had gone. Until I chanced upon the door to the main semi-circular corridor through the buildings – and it was wide open.

The service core of the hospital is going to be demolished. Engineering will be reduced to rubble and then piled up so that a large pnumatic drill can be driven on top of it, and then be used to nibble down the water tower. The wards fronting the airing courts are being retained, so they can't simply blow up the water tower.