st johns | doom and gloom

Now, this confused me. I found myself in a walled garden, an walking through a door, I found myself looking at another Administration Block. This didn’t make much sense.

However, after some research, I discovered that St. John’s did have two Administration Blocks. This was the original, but was just too small, so the second Administration Block was built at the back of the asylum (which was now the will-makers of distinction).

The buildings endured several expansions and extensions before everyone gave up and built another asylum. Odds and sods were added in 1859, 1866, 1881 and 1902.

Below: Archival shot from the early 1990s.

These walled gardens were all that remained of the hospitals extensive grounds.

The grounds were used to cultivate vegetables - both to aid the asylum in self sufficiency and to sell. Sewage for disposed of by irragation over 10 acres of land about half a mile from the buildings. It isn't known if this was used as fertilzer for said vegetables. A further 10 acres was set aside as the recreation ground.