This “Personality Questionnaire” was found by Marlon and Laurence in the old Garden House in the grounds of Cane Hill. It was particularly telling as I believe many would’ve given "True" responses to many of the questions. But, perhaps, that was the point?

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Please fill in this form by putting a circle round the "True" or the "False" after each of the statements below. If you find it difficult to decide, ask yourself whether you think the statement is on the whole true or false and put a circle round the appropriate word.

Remember to answer each statement.

  1. Most people make friends because friends are likely to be useful to them.
  2. I do not blame a person for taking advantage of someone who lays himself open to it.
  3. I usually expect to succeed in things I do.
  4. I have no enemies who really wish to harm me.
  5. I wish I could get over worrying about things I have said that may have injured other people's feelings.
  6. I think nearly anyone would tell a lie to keep out of trouble.
  7. I don't blame anyone for trying to grab everything they can get in this world.
  8. My hardest battles are with myself.
  9. I know who, apart from myself, is responsible for most of my troubles.
  10. Some people are so bossy that I feel like doing the opposite of what they request, even though I know they are right.
  11. Some of my family have habits that bother and annoy me very much.
  12. I believe my sins are unpardonable.
  13. I have very few quarrels with members of my family.
  14. 1 have often lost out on things because I couldn't make up my mind soon enough.
  15. I can easily make other people afraid of me, and sometimes do for the fun of it.
  16. I believe I am a condemned person.
  17. In school I was sometimes sent to the principal for misbehaving.
  18. I have at times stood in the way of people who were trying to do something, not because it amounted to much but because of the principle of the thing.
  19. Most people are honest chiefly through fear of being caught.
  20. Sometimes I enjoy hurting persons I love.
  21. I have not lived the right kind of life.
  22. Sometimes I feel as if I must injure either myself or someone else.
  23. I seem to be about as capable and clever as most others around me.
  24. I sometimes tease animals.
  25. I get angry sometimes.
  26. I am entirely self-confident.
  27. Often I can't understand why I have been so cross and grouchy.
  28. I shrink from facing a crisis or difficulty.
  29. I think most people would lie to get ahead.
  30. I have sometimes felt that difficulties were piling up so high that I could not overcome them.
  31. If people had not had it in for me I would have been much more successful.
  32. I have often found people jealous of my good ideas, just because they had not thought of them first.
  33. Much of the time I feel as if I have done something wrong or evil.
  34. I have several times given up doing a thing because I thought too little of my ability.
  35. Someone has it in for me.
  36. When someone does me a wrong I feel I should pay him back if I can, just for the principle of the thing.
  37. I am sure I get a raw deal from life.
  38. I believe I am being followed.
  39. At times I have a strong urge to do something harmful or shocking.
  40. I am easily downed in an argument.
  41. It is safer to trust nobody.
  42. I easily become impatient with people.
  43. At times I think I am no good at all.
  44. I commonly wonder what hidden reason another person may have for doing something nice for me.
  45. I get angry easily and then get over it soon.
  46. At times I feel like smashing things.
  47. I believe I am being plotted against.
  48. I certainly feel useless at times.
  49. At times I feel like picking a fist fight with someone.
  50. Someone has been trying to rob me.
  51. I am certainly lacking in self-confidence.

Please check to see that you have given answers for every statement.

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