Being the British Pioneers in the manufacture of Concrete Lighting Columns does not guantee the value of our
products, but the long experience obtained by many years of success, and some failures, does make towards that end.
With some thousands of Columns, erected by some hundreds of Corporations, in Britain, from Cornwall to Banff; in the
Empire from Bermuda to Singapore; we have, in addition to the practice of their manufacture, the knowledge of the
results under varyng conditions of climate and the contingencies of transit, handling and erection.
Having the initial enterprise that undertook the manufacture of what was then a novelty in this country, it many be
easily comprehended that the intention would not be content with the comtemplation of the finished product. The nearer
to success in method, in making or design, the greater the incentive to ultimate perfection. This has kept us keen in the
investigation and use of the best quality concrete, the most careful calculations and planning of the reinforcement, the
general finish and, not least, the impressiveness or appropiateness of design - not least, because, no matter the extent
of all procedure, how good the result in every other particular, the general appearance alone will justify the end. This
includes the stately shaft with far outreach for the modern highway or the simplicity required by the humble light bearer
of the modern side street.
We have to thank those Engineers and Lighting Authorities who, having the intimate knowledge, or keen perception, or both,
of the advantage of the use of Reinforced Concrete, have, by the erection of our columns in the various localities, encouraged
us to continue production and multiply our designs, some of which are inside this cover.
With the theory at our fingers' ends, we have also obtained the large experience of long practice adn we are probably the
largest manufacutrers of lighting columns in the world, which is also a standard we must live up to by the merit of our
* *   *   *   *   *
It is not necessary for us to enumerate the advantages of using the concrete pole as a lighting standard. The trained and
expert engineer, up to date in all that appertains to modern methods and material, perceives at once its superiority in
its resistance to atmospheric wear and tear, its non-corrosivness internally and externally, its possibilities of design,
its no cost of maintenance and, to which the latter lends itself, its low ultimate cost. The question that will concern him are
the suitability of the design for the location, the strength of the pole, with, perhaps, some idea of its manufacture,
but principally the reliability of the firm manufacturign the desired article. The first may be satisfied by a choice of
ready designs, the second by a knowledge of the quality of material used, the system of reinforcement and the method of
manufacture, the third, by the fact that some hundreds of fellow engineers have, during the last ten years, erected some
thousands of columns which are outstanding advertisements of our reliability.
Our experience is sufficient to warrant assiduous attention to details and particularly to the incidents of handling during
transit. We are anxious that our clients will remember that, even under the best control and methods of hastening maturity,
we cannot harden green concrete to resist bad usage and shock. Hence, we endeavour to keep large stocks of regular sizes
ready for delivery but any alterations of standard sizes have to be made to order and so it becomes impossible to give
quick deliveries and hard concrete by any method of manufacture. We therehfore ask that our clients will allow all the time
possible for orders of new types or variations of standard models.
We conclude with the following brief notes which may be of moment to prospective users of our manufactures.
1. It is not neccessary to go deeper than the roots shewn, unless the soil is very light or of water-logged earth or the like.
A 6 in. deep slab of concrete 9 in. wide, cast in situ, around top and bottom of root will save lots of digging out
and filling in, beside saving weight in transit and handling of columns.
2. Where pipes interfere with setting of the columns, we are able to supply special roots, according to position of pipes.
See our list of special roots.
3. Where it is absolutely necessary to have columns taking up little of the cross area of footpath, we have special shapes
which, although deforming the ususal types, will suit the requirements.
4. Brackets, no matter how large, may be attached to columns before erection, but we advocate the putting on of brackets
after erection of column, which is easily done. Our system of fixing brackets, for which patents are pending, ensures
absolute rigidity, resistance to torque and weight of outreaching bracket and lamp. Note that the majority of our brackets
are considerably counterbalanced.
5. It is imperative that the joint of the bracket to column should be filled with a good cement mortar of - 1 cement to 2
sand. The same mortar is used in filling up nut recess in bracket.
6. The doors when required in base are, unless otherwise specially ordered, on the side that the operator will face
oncoming traffic.
7. Enquire of us upon any matter in connection with the subject and please insert in this cover any other picture
we have the pleasure of sending you.
The telephone number is - Ware 84.
The address -