Z.8411 "Uniway" lantern with body turned to show side view.
Sectional scale drawing.
The iso-candle is based on an average lamp light output through life from a 125 watt OSRAM H.P.M.V. lamp. (4,007 lumens) .
| 80 w. | 125 w. |
Light above horizontal | 5% | 5% |
Light output ratio | 75% | 75% |
Directional intensity ratio, not applicable to unidirectional lighting | 4.7 | 4.2 |
Z.8411 "Uniway" lantern with door opened to show interior reflector and general construction (Body rotated to correct position).
"Uniway" Lantern.
Catalogue No. Z.8411
(British Patent No. 523630)
On main roads where there is a traffic flow in one direction only, such as on double carriageways and roundabouts. Mounting heights 25 ft.,
spacing 120-150 ft., road widths up to 40 ft. The lantern is always directed towards the oncoming traffic.
Uniway Principle
The lantern emits light from one side only and this enables a very efficient optical system to be used. Consequently, it is possible to
obtain with a quite low wattage lamp, 125 w. H.P.M.V. OSRAM, a light distribution comparable to that given by one side of a normal
street lantern fitted with a 400 w. H.P.M.V. lamp. This enables a very considerable saving in current to be saved. A further advantage
is that only the lanterns on the user's road are visible and the confusion resulting from the multiplicity of lights normally visible on
a double carriageway road is avoided. This also applies to roundabouts where only those lanterns immediately contribution road brightnes
to the user can be seen.
Lamp Z.8411. 80 w. or 125 w. OSRAM H.P.M.V. A 45 w. OSRAM sodium
lamp can be used in a modified lantern.
Side entry. The lantern requires not less than6 in. of horizontal unthreaded 1¼ in. gas barrel. When fully home two
7/16 in. Allen type grub screws grip the barrel.
Lantern Body
Cast light alloy, the lantern is weatherproof and totally enclosed. The body consists of a top and main body casting and a hinged
door. The top carries the lampholder and lampholder bridge. It can be detached by slackening three "J" bolts from the main body. The
latter houses the reflector and carries the hinged door which is secured by a toggle action catch.
Three-slot BC, mounted on a reversible bridge piece.
Optical System
The optical system consists of a silvered mirror of special contour which is clamped in the body and a front diffusing glass
which produces the required width of beam.
Focusing and Alignment
The lantern is supplied ready for use with a 125 W. lamp. If an 80 W. lamp is to be used it is necessary to reverse the bridge piece
on which the lampholder is mounted. No other focusing than this is required. It is essential though that the lantern
should be correctly aligned and a special device can be supplied which enables this to be done. The elevation of the main
beam can be controlled by rotating the whole lantern on the bracket arm whilst the direction of the main beam in the horizontal
plane is altered by turning the main body on the lantern top.
Weathering Finish The alloy used is specially selected for its
resistance to corrosion. Further protection is obtained by the use of a suitable primer, undercoat and matt aluminium finish top coat.
Erection Instructions Full erection and focusing instructions are enclosed with
each lantern.
12 |
cwt. | qr. | lb. |
1 | 1 | 7 |
(63.7 Kgs) |
20.5 cu. ft.
(0.58 cu. metres)
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