Specification Clearmain 8427
Main road lighting. For the best results the spacing/mounting height ratio should be 3:1.
250W or 400W Osram MBF/U colour corrected mercury lamp.
The Z8427 side entry lantern requires not less than 4 in. of horizontal unthreaded
1¼ in. B.S.P.
Porcelain G.E.S. wired with heat-resisting insulated wire to a porcelain terminal block.
The lantern body consists of two main parts, a die-cast light alloy canopy and a pressed
aluminium main body. The lantern canopy carries the clamping bolts, porcelain terminal block
and lampholder. An earthing screw and porcelain cable cleat are provided.
Hinged to the lantern canopy and secured, when closed, by a quick release toggle
catch, is the main body pressing. A moulded "Perspex" dish held in an aluminium rim
to the main pressing makes the lantern totally enclosed.
The lantern optical system has been designed to produce a cut-off distribution when
using the 250W or 400W MBF/U lamp. The contour of the inside surface of the body pressing
has been very carefully designed to make the maximum use of the light from the lamp. Each
side of the body forms a long curved reflector producing the required crossover
distribution. The ends and top of the body pressing are "figured" to contribute and
redirect light in the upper hemisphere back on to the road surface.
The alloy used is especially selected for its resistance to corrosion. Further protection
is obtained by the use of anodising, a pretreatment primer and stove enamel top coat.
Export packing details on application.