BS Spec. Type 3 Distribution
Max-Candle Power 60o-70o from Vertical.
No. 617
Vertical Distribution, Right Angle to Long Axis, With 140W Sodium Lamp
Full Curve = Lantern with 140W lamp. Dotted curve = DO. with reflectors blacked out.
The BLEECO Sodium Cut-Off Lantern has been designed to give a B.S. Type 3 light distribution, giving
a maximum two-way axial beam at 60o - 70o and a cut-off at 75o to 80o from
the downward vertical.
For max. evenness of illumination the cut-off type lantern requires a spacing of not more than 90 to 110ft. per row of lanterns,
with a spacing-height ratio of approx. 4:1 and is suitable for central mounting or staggered on wide thoroughfares.
Sodium street lighting undoubtedly gives the highest visibility for current consumption of all types of light sources,
and the Cut-Off type of fitting gives a glare free installation with the maximum illumination on the roadway at the minimum
expenditure of current.
The BLEECO cut-off lantern is of simple and solid construction, easily accessible and maintained. The
hood is made of non-corrosive cast aluminium, to which is fitted a detachable V.E. body. The directional light distribution
is effected by two lightly diffused mirror reflectors of a special contour to give the correct light distribution B.S. Type 3 for
Cut-Off lanterns.
Clear Bowl Type
616 |
85 W |
2 3/8" |
23" |
10½ |
13" |
16 lbs |
1" or 1¼ B.S.P |
617 |
140 W |
The Brighton Lighting and Electrical Engineering Co. Ltd.
Phone: Brighton 24661
Telegrams: Bleeco, Phone, Brighton
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