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ilp archive : london 1939

After the "postponement" of the Glasgow conference, the APLE held their AGM in London on the 28th November at St. Ermin's Hotel. The afternoon session at which Mr. C. W. Johnson from the Home Office was present, allowed members to get a real insight into the objectives of that Government Department.

The AGM took place in the morning, whilst a discussion of A.R.P. (with Johnson) took place in the afternoon.


Keywords: APLE: Conference, APLE: Journal, APLE: Organisation, Lighting: ARP

Mr. E. J. Stewart. M.A., B.Sc. (Glasgow) was elected President for 1939-1940. The conference brochure and papers for the postponed Glagow conference had been printed, and were to be put in cold storage. It was informally decided to hold the next full conference in Glasgow. Public Lighting and the Annual Report would be continued. The idea of regional meetings to discuss expert problems in connection with the "black out" were discussed: the Home Office's representative Mr. C. W. Johnson was at the meeting can could be asked questions; region meetings had been held in the north jointly with the Illuminating Engineering Society; but it was considered that regional meetings were a very good idea and would be discussed by council. The question of professional status and technical examinations was also discussed: those who had passed their City And Guilds could be admitted although they would not be full members, but would have a status - a full member was a representative of a local authority.

November 28th, 1939

Summary published in: Public Lighting, Vol. 5, No. 16. January 1940

Some Notes on Street Lighting Problems and on Directional Gas Lighting

D. Chandler and A. J. Prestage, B.Sc.

The new Metro Supervia lamp was introduced and described in this paper.